If there's one thing that will attract a stampede of eager women on dating sites like match.com, it's a kick-ass photo... Yeah, it's kinda a big deal. Your profile picture is the first thing a woman looks at... And while the written word is a powerful tool, a picture's worth a thousand words!

I'm convinced that 90% of guys could get hot women to write them online if they knew what the heck they were doing, and a big part of this is having a good picture up. In other words, if you put up a great picture of yourself right now, you WILL get emails by tomorrow night.

And I'm not even talking about girls responding to emails you send them... No, I'm talking about hot women seeking you out and starting interactions with you because they're feelin' what you are putting out there!

If you think that you're sort of a so-so looking guy who can't take a good photograph, don't worry. Having a photo that attracts women isn't about being a "10" in the looks department. It's about having the right attitude and style and letting women see this through your picture. It's kinda metaphysical.

Take a picture of yourself, and then look at it. How are you looking out at the world from that picture? Are you looking nervous and awkward? Angry and menacing? Gentle and baby-like? These facial expressions don't attract women -- so don't use them!
The best way to do this is to get in a relaxed mood and feel manly about yourself. So, find things to do that make you feel relaxed and manly, and do them. Try lifting weights and then sitting in a hot-tub... Whatever works for you.
No matter where you are, online, at the mall, at a club, whatever, you need to have your style together. You don't need to have any particular style... but you need to have some sort of reasoning behind why you wear the clothes you wear and get your particular haircut. You can't just dress like a old weirdo and wear pleated khakis with a polo shirt that's too tight!

Friend in Photo: The most common and absolute worst mistake is posting an online dating photo standing next to a friend or a group of friends. Why is this such a bad thing? Let me be blunt, you're friends are hot, not to say you're not, but they are hot stuff. You don't want a potential date to check out your photo and then fall in love with the blonde bombshell friend standing to your left. Even if you don't think you're friends in your photo are attractive, you want to be the focus of the photo. Unless they are planning to come on the date with you, leave them out of your photo.

Trying to Look Like a Model: Why so serious? Smile! I've seen a lot of online dating photos where the subject is trying to look a super model. This only works if you are an actual super model. If you're not a professional model, you come across trying to look like one, in other words, a complete douche.
Sunglasses: Potential dates want to see your eyes. Eyes can be very revealing and by hiding them, you look like you are hiding something else. Even if you think you look super hot in those designer shades, trust me-in your online dating photo-you most certainly do not.

Busy Background: Don't use a photo taken at a party or where there is a lot going on behind you. Busy scenes are distracting, someone checking out your photo may be more curious about what's going on around you, than you. Find a photo of yourself with a neutral background, grey or dark blue. The only object in the photo should be your mug.

Too Much Skin: While no doubt showing a lot a skin in your online dating photo will grab someone's attention, as mother use to say, "is that the kind of attention you want." By showing a little extra, your profile may get a few more clicks, but if you're looking for a serious date, you won't be taken very seriously.