You are only taking what every guy in the world is doing and it is to learn how to pick up hot girls. There are no secrets about this only that there are some guys who are naturally good and a major fraction of the population who just can't do things right. I bet there are only about 2-3% of guys get the hot girls while those of us are content with our pets.

Now, you wonder why this is so. It is because the 2-3% of the guys knows how to set their play. How do they do it? Where does it come from? Is there a personal coaching system that helps them get their way? Well, to start with, these are the guys that are totally confident with their cards. By cards I mean their looks, their attitude, their behaviors as well as their money. These are the guys who simply believe that they can get whatever they want as soon as they see them. These are the guys who are not put off with the chase.

There are also guys who are not that good looking or rich and yet they have the hot girls. How can you explain that? Well, the key to everything is your confidence. Girls will always love guys who are totally confident about the things that they do when they do it. Their self-esteem goes beyond what money or looks can have and believing that every minute of chase is worth it.

Do you see that the key to every lock and the ace you need is confidence? You do not need the looks or the money but you will need this to get those hot girls. You know that, don't you? But, you just don't know if you know how to set your game.

Well, you are not alone. I bet those 97-98% of the male population will experience being shy with the ladies. You will not be reading this if you are part of the 2-3% of the other category. Always remember that you will not make things happen within 24 hours. It will take time. It will take practice. And most of all, it will take a lot of patience, rejection and pain. Are you afraid? I hope you are not. As you can see, you are the key player in the game. That hot girl on the bar or in your office or school is your prize. You only have to play things right. Always get your right foot forward and things will fall into their own places.

There's an old saying in sales: They won't care how much you know until they know how much you care. That means you can talk and talk all day about your product and the customer won't even listen if they don't think you're really trying to help them. Maybe you can rattle off all the specs and features of a new computer but your customer won't buy it until they know it's a good match for them. You can't know then unless you get to know them and their needs.

How does that relate to helping you get a hot girl? Think a minute. You can talk and tell a girl how great you are, what a cool car you drive, how many Armani suits are in your closet, etc. and she won't care a fig about any of it.

She wants and needs to know that you care about her first and foremost. When a woman knows that she is more important to you than your car or your football team or your job, you're home.

So what do you tell her? That's she's the best thing that ever happened to you? That she's the sun and the stars and the whole universe to you? That you'd swim the Pacific or climb Mt. Everest or beat up the guy at the end of the bar for her? No, no and No!

Stop thinking that you have to tell her anything at all. That's not what she wants and that's not what she needs. You show her you care by providing her with what she wants and needs. If you want to meet women, if you want to get a hot girl, you have to think like a master salesman.

The best salesmen don't talk, they don't pitch their products. I'm not talking about TV commercials like the ShamWow guy. I'm talking about people who sell face to face, cars, computers, real estate, etc. The best salesmen LISTEN! They listen to their customer and learn about them so they can match the right car or computer or house to the wants and needs of the customer. Once that happens, the sale is made.

When you meet a hot girl and decide you want to get closer to her, stop talking and listen. Listen to her and learn about her wants and needs. Listen to her tell about her job and her coworkers. Let her tell you about her mother and her sister's new baby. Listen to her describe the cute outfit she found at the mall and the shoes that match it perfectly. Ask a question and nod occasionally, but listen.

I know it's hard for a man to listen to a woman for any length of time. But this is key: the number one thing a woman needs in a man is one who will listen. Not argue, not offer advice, not solve her problems for her, just listen.
If you truly want to get a hot girl to be your girlfriend, learn the number one technique of master salesmen, listen. There's no better way to show a woman that you care about her. And what she wants more than anything else in the world is a man who cares about her. Not a man who tells her he cares, one who shows her, convinces her.
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